Wizards Guild November 2021 Update

This month, Nifty Wizards took part in the NeftyBlocks Halloween-themed Pumpkin Packs. These unique packs contained NFT’s from 39 different WAX projects and could be claimed for free by visiting a special room on their Discord Server and issuing the command “!trick-or-treat”. The activity was set to run for 4 days (October 29th — November 1st) but all 5,070 packs were distributed on day one, even with a12-hour cooldown period between claims! In all, 28,275 NFT’s were pooled for distribution. 5,070 packs were given away for free in the Discord room, and each of the participating 39 projects received 15 promotional packs for their own use. Nifty Wizards contributed (3) NFT’s to this project — “pumpkin” with a quantity of 500, “spooky pumpkin” with a quantity of 250, and “jack o lantern” with a quantity of 25. These NFT’s are only available via the Pumpkin Packs. You can read about this promotion here: https://neftyblocks.medium.com/halloween-is-coming-to-neftyblocks-a5f3dae79258

Nifty Wizards also released a new weed seed — “Rainbow Height Seed” which can be mined by chatting in their Telegram room “Nifty Wizards — Weed Seed Mining”. This seed will soon become blendable for a Rainbow Height Weed NFT which can be further blended into a Rainbow Height Spliff NFT. This is all done on our Nefty Blocks Blends page: https://neftyblocks.com/c/niftywizards/blends

Bitcoin Origins recently released a teaser image in their Discord Server for their upcoming Moment 9 Sale

Magic DUST Cryptocurrency released a new DUST enhancer NFT entitled “Record Duster” which supports the WAX project Secret Saviors of Underground Hip Hop. You can learn more about DUST enhancers here: https://wizards-guild.gitbook.io/dust-documentation/dust-on-the-wax-blockchain/dust-mining-information/what-is-a-dust-enhancer
Please join us on Telegram to keep up to date with all Wizard Guild projects: https://t.me/wizardsguild