Wizards Guild December 2021 Update

In December, Nifty Wizards released 4 different packs of new “Rare Weed” NFT’s. Each of the 4 packs were limited releases that ranged from 1,000 for the Smokeadot Pack to 25 for the Aurora Pack. The first 250 mints of the most common pack — Smokeadot were pre-minted and available for purchase on NeftyBlocks only with the DUST Token. Another batch of packs were available only to owners of a Nifty Wizards Weed Castle NFT and the final batch were available to anyone by blending 11 Weed NFT’s for each pack. These packs sold out in two days. The Smokeadot 6 pack has a fixed amount of 420 packs and are available now for blending on Nefty Blocks. Currently 186 of the 420 have been claimed. The third pack was entitled “Freeze Pack” and was available via blending only. 50 were available and all were gone within an hour of release. The final pack — “Aurora Pack” was also available via blending only. There were only 25 available and they were gone in minutes.
Additional information about these packs and their contents can be read about here.

Nifty Wizards also took part in the WAX project “Pizzeria Rusticana” Tombola release. This unique Italian Christmas game was brought to the WAX blockchain this past December and many top projects donated valuable prizes to the release. More information can be found here.
Up next for Nifty Wizards is their Battle Royale #2. A separate article will be released with more information about this event soon.
Bitcoin Origins had a quiet month on the WAX blockchain, but their Ethereum project “Rebel Rabbits” is quite busy with the ongoing sales of their generative masks and the release of a comic book cover that could be claimed for free (plus gas fees) by all mask NFT owners. Both projects (WAX and Ethereum) share the same team, artist, Twitter account, and Discord Server. You can learn all about the Rebel Rabbits project here.

Magic DUST Cryptocurrency released a new DUST enhancer NFT entitled “Dragon Duster” which supports the WAX project Chronaverse. You can learn more about DUST enhancers here.
Please join us on Telegram to keep up to date with all Wizard Guild projects: https://t.me/wizardsguild